3R (3R 3R) is Rudo Surebrec’s Vital Instrument that allows the user to turn previously discarded objects into Vital Instruments, it is a part of the Watchman Series.
Rudo's gloves are huge thick gloves. There is a belting attached around the palm that connects to a metal ring in the center of the glove, which covers the Watchman Series logo. The wrists of the glove double back to create a bigger layer, the layer of which is black, with heavy stitching at the end.
The ability of 3R is to turn objects, specifically ones that were previously used and discarded into Vital Instruments by finding worth in whatever the user touches and draw out its power to the maximum extent,[1] the user can power three Vital instruments at a time or focus his power on only one item, increasing its power significantly by either twice or thrice its normal power,[2] turning three items into Vital Instrument’s or drawing out an objects power thrice will leave the user temporarily worn out and each item used will crumbles away afterward having served their purpose.[3]
Vital Instrument Creation: 3R the incredibly unique ability of turning any trash into a jinki to use. This is done by drawing out the full potential of an items 'thought'. His limit is three small or moderate items, or one item pushed to the extreme. After the manifestation, he will be greatly weakened and bleed from nose. Due to the nature of vital instruments, upon one use of an item, it crumbles away, due to having been successfully 'used' after being discarded as trash. To be 'used' vital instruments have to achieve greater purpose, like defeating a powerful enemy. Simply creating them, and not or hardly using them will not make them crumble. [4]
Concentration: Rudo's limit of three items can be concentrated on one created vital instrument. That vital instrument will then be three times as powerful as normal Created Jinki, but upon completion of its use, the user will face the same drawbacks as if he had used three vital instruments Creations. It seems to be possible to concentrate using only two limits making created vital instruments only two times powerful. After that, the user will still be able to create one vital instrument with cost of one.[5]
List of Vital Instruments[]
- The name 3R comes from 'Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.'