Gachiakuta Wiki

Amo’s Whereabouts. And… (アモの所在。そしてーー, Amo no shozai. Soshiteーー) is the 109th chapter in the Gachiakuta manga series written and illustrated by Kei Urana. It was published on September 4th, 2024.


Two days later in the Southward, Creapye Mymo begins a new report commenting on the fact that he requisitioned NTR’s airwaves and talks about the upcoming doll festival, inside the building of the southern branches headquarters, Riyo says she hates Mymo but that everyone watches him anyway since he gets news faster than anyone else, Riyo then asks what the names of the people by her bed are, they introduce themselves as supporters of the Cleaners Southern branch, Mildretta and Meriege, Meriege herself says that they’re relieved she regained consciousness, Riyo says she’s never been to the southern branch and thanks the two for helping, Mildretta says she better be grateful and that she doesn’t care that they didn’t know they’d have to go into Tori since they didn’t inform the Souther Branch despite coming to the South Ward, Meriege tells her to calm down since she’s still alive, Mildretta keeps complaining, bringing up how hard it was to get there since the bridge to Tori was destroyed and how Gris had made a stupid request about saving Fu, Meriege tells Riyo not to let it get to her since Mildretta is just worried, Riyo then asks where Fu is, Meriege tells her that the “twins” are interrogating him to make sure he doesn’t see the Cleaners as enemies and that Gris is there with him, Kuro then walks in expressing relief that Riyo is awake, Riyo asks what Kuro is doing there, he replies saying that he would normally leave after giving information but that Rudo wouldn’t let him do so without apologizing to Riyo first, Kuro says that Rudo is the type to punch people when he’s mad but says that he told him he wouldn’t as long as he apologized and he does so as Rudo asked, Riyo asks if Rudo and the other had already left, Kuro says they briefly visited but then left shortly after to rescue Amo.

As Rudo and the other Cleaners show up to where Amo is being kept Tamsy approaches them, saying that they’re back sooner than he expected, Rudo says the the Southern branch gave them a ride back, Tamsy says he’s glad they’re all fine aside from Riyo, Rudo asks why he’s suddenly coming along, Tamsy replies saying that it’s to fill in for Riyo since another familiar face would help Amo feel better, Rudo brings up that Kuro called it the place where Amo “is being kept” at, Enjin agrees saying that it pretty much confirms that she was kidnapped after they parted ways with her, they enter and find the cell where Amo is being kept, She’s glad and says that she knew Rudo would come for her, Rudo hugs Amo and asks who did this, she then sees Tamsy staring at her and says he came to rescue her, Tamsy says he came to give her boots back and Amo thanks him.




  • Ground
    • Southward
      • Cleaners Souther Branch