“Here in the lower world, garbage accumulates quickly and along with it so do all kinds of emotions and thoughts.”
Trash Beasts (斑獣 Han-jū) are creatures that exists on the Ground. Their bodies are made of waste products and were given life via the power of thought.
Thought (思念, Shinen) is a mysterious power source, “Thought” accumulates and turns into energy, an anima that causes various phenomena, Trash Beasts are formed from the trash thrown down from the Sphere which causes “Thought” to accumulate giving them life which is one of the phenomena caused by thought, Since they’re powered by thought, they can only be defeated by an object with a thought too such as a Vital Instrument.[1]
Imitation Trash beasts[]
A different variant of Trash Beasts are those who possess cores and can’t be defeated unless their cores are destroyed,[2] they were created by Zodyl Typhon who experimented to create artificial Watchman Series items, his experiments ended in failure however but he discovered that the failed watchman series items could be used as a core and upon giving Vital Instruments to it as offerings it would evolve into an imitation trash beast.[3]
Trash Beasts bodies are made up of trash, they usually take the form of monster like creatures but also often take on the shapes of animals whether it be giraffes, scorpions or leopards.
Habits and Behavior[]
Trash Beasts’s main habitat are the Polluted zones on the ground which is also where they form, they posses no intellect and act animalistic, they attack any human they come across and sometimes even break into towns,[4] they don’t usually respond to sounds humans make but do respond to loud noises and attack their source.[5]
- Trash Beasts are known to only form in the Ground, this could possibly be due to thought not existing elsewhere as Rudo wasn’t able to use 3R’s abilities in the Sphere despite it being a vital instrument.