Gachiakuta Wiki

"Geniuses can’t see themselves more objectively than us normies, don’t look down on the mind of an average person!"

— Zanka Nijiku, Gachiakuta, Chapter 24

Zanka Nijiku (ザンカ・ニジク, Zanka Nijiku) is a character in Gachiakuta. He’s a former Hell Guard trainee and is currently a member of the Akuta faction of the Cleaners.


Zanka is a tall, slender teenager with navy blue eyes and slicked blonde hair styled in a mullet with black streaks. His eyebrows are shaved at regular intervals leaving for this uniquely striped look. His ears are pierced and house long, dangling tassel piercings. His cleaners uniform is quite baggy, with open sleeves and baggy pants. The shoulders of the uniform are slightly raised, and he has a navy blue on his waist which extends in front and down back. Similar to many cleaners, he has a large bag on his waist connected to his chest by a sash. His Cleaners badge is kept on his chest and he wears white soled boots.

Compared to the other cleaners, Zanka's uniform is considerably nicer, even his cleaners badge looking more extravagant than the rest. This is due to his status as a 'young master' or 'lord' in the Ground[4].


Face close up
Zanka Full Body Chapter 4
Vital instrument activated
Nijik No Uniform
Casual clothing
Zanka’s Full face mask
Zanka’s Full Face Mask
Zanka full body colored
Zanka Color Spread


On the exterior, Zanka often keeps a calm composure and even when upset keeps a seemingly still face. However on the interior, he is chaotic and quick to lose control of his emotions. Whether it's anger or disgust; he will let out these emotions in quite exaggerated outbursts, which he sometimes reveals to the outside world. He is quick to cover up said emotions.

Zanka has his own unique view of other people, categorizing them as either “average” or a “genius." He used to think of himself as a genius, but due to his past of getting outperformed by an actual genius, he has grown a resentment for “geniuses” such as people with innate talent due to them not needing to work hard to be great unlike normal people. He’s accepted himself as being nothing but average and strives to improve himself to surpass geniuses with hard work alone to demonstrate that average people can be just as great.


Main article: Zanka Nijiku/Synopsis


Overall Abilities: Zanka proves to be a formidable combatant and is the expert in handling Vital Instruments, most notably demonstrated in his own proficient handling of his own, with Enjin himself, a seasoned Giver, giving high praise to Zanka's abilities. Zanka also proved to have a sharp and keen mind, deducing the workings of Vital Instruments quickly and forming a plan to counterattack them or use them to his advantage, as shown during his battle against two unnamed Raiders who employed a clever application of their Vital Intsruments, and then against a much tougher opponent in the form of Jabber Wonger, quickly devising a plan with Rudo to incapacitate the Raider by using Gris's amulet-turned-Vital Instrument redirecting ability to land a critical blow on an unconscious, yet empowered Jabber.

Vital Instrument[]

Vital Instrument
Zanka blitzes raiders Lovely Assistaff: A simple stick, upon activation it becomes significantly sharper allowing Zanka to cut things.[5] It’s strength also increases, allowing Zanka to kick up large amounts of dirt from the ground.[6] Zanka's agile and fluid fighting style allows him to use his entire body in full force to swing his Vital Instrument to deliver a deadly blow to enemies.
Vibration Sensing: Zanka can stick Lovely Assistaff to the ground allowing him to utilize vibrations to sense people or objects in the area even when his vision is obscured.[7] Vibration Sensing
Inverted Spikes: Zanka can invert the spikes on Lovely Assistaff, allowing him to quickly pierce Trash Beasts with his Vital Instrument.[8] Lovely Assistaff spikes


Enjin: Zanka has great admiration for Enjin for helping him out in the past which is what inspired him to quit training to be a Hell Guard and to be a Cleaner instead, he works hard to receive Enjin’s praise, and holds him in high regard at all times.

Rudo: Zanka used to dislike Rudo for being a “genius” but started respecting him after they fought against Jabber together, he was later assigned to help Rudo control his vital instrument and now acts as his mentor figure and gives him advice whenever he needs it. He and Rudo also shared a moment at the hospital, where Zanka opened up more to Rudo about himself.

Riyo: Riyo and Zanka are acquainted and usually act casual when interacting and help each other out in missions but Zanka does think of her as immature, Zanka does seem to care about Riyo though as he became distressed after she was nearly killed due to Amo’s powers in Penta.

Kyouka: Kyouka's thoughts on Zanka have not fully been revealed yet, but she seems to have a complicated relationship with Zanka, and because of that she was very upset at him when he decided to become a cleaner because of her dislike of givers. Zanka has avoided Kyouka since he became a cleaner. He seems afraid of her, or at least not on good terms with her after becoming a cleaner.

Follo: Back at the North Ward, Follo directly watched Zanka defeat the moose Trash Beast right outside the crowded window. Zanka's actions gave Follo an idea, and he went up to Enjin, Gris, and Zanka to ask if he could be apart of the Cleaners.

Tamsy: Zanka and Tamsy are seen working decently together during The Lady of Penta Arc. When Tamsy started to seem reckless with his abilities, Zanka shouted at him, confused at his actions. Eventually, they are able to successfully contain the rest of the Cleaners together.


  • Likes: Foods with broth, people who work hard to achieve their goals[9]
  • Dislikes: Bitter foods, geniuses, people who think they’re geniuses[10]
  • Zanka's Vital Instrument, Lovely Assistaff, seems to be based on a Sasumata. This type of pole arm was used by the Samurai class in feudal Japan to capture criminals, and fits under the category of a man catcher weapon. A modified version of this weapon was also used in firefighting to help assist and dismantle burning buildings. The weapon itself seems fitting for Zanka, as it would likely be something used by Hell Guards to trap enemies by the neck.


  1. Vol.7 Character Profile
  2. Vol.7 Character Profile
  3. Vol.7 Character Profile
  4. Manga Chapter 6
  5. Chapter 4
  6. Chapter 50
  7. Chapter 13
  8. Chapter 125
  9. Vol.7 Character Profile
  10. Vol.7 Character Profile


[v · e · ?]
Cleaners Arkha Corvus  •  Rudo Surebrec  •  Enjin  •  Zanka Nijiku  •  Riyo Reaper  •  Tamsy Caines  •  Delmon Gates  •  Bro Santa  •  Dear Santa  •  Guita Hebby Fantasia  •  Semiu Grier  •  August Stilza  •  Eishia Stilza  •  Fu Orostor  •  Gris Rubion  •  Follo Tunito  •  Tomme Mima  •  Meriege  •  Mildretta  •  Adderoy Brothers
Raiders Zodyl Typhon  •  Jabber Wonger  •  Cthoni Andor  •  Momoa Rukel  •  Bundus Begalkeit
Hell Guard Kyouka Nijiku  •  Hyo
Undertakers Canis Surebrec
Spellcaster Macaca Icol  •  Gob  •  Remlin Tysark
Unaffiliated Kuro  •  Alice Stilza  •  Gnomulas Ridd  •  Amo Empoor  •  Noerde Hew Amozo  •  Konza  •  Mymo
Spherites Rudo Surebrec  •  Regto  •  Chiwa
Border The Watchman