Gachiakuta Wiki

“There are lessons to be learned even from impurities that are introduced during the experimental process.”

— Zodyl, Chapter 76

Zodyl Typhon (ゾディル・テュフォン, Zodiru Tyufon) is a character in Gachiakuta. He’s the current leader of the Raiders organization.

In the past Zodyl had unwillingly been a part of the group that worshipped the trash from the Sphere having been dragged into it along with his sister by their mother. Later, Zodyl discovered his coat and took over the Raiders,[4] transforming what was once a small group of thieves into an infamous criminal organization[5] with the goal of gathering every Watchman Series item and destroying the Sphere.[6] Due to his actions and profound plot involvement Zodyl can be considered a major antagonist of the series.


Zodyl is a young man with a older-looking appearance. He has a two-toned dark grey mullet with white streaks and dark purple eyes. He has thick eyebrows and typically expressionless face, typically shaded ominously. He wears a Watchman Series coat with purple patches inside and long puffy sleeves tightened by 2 belts on both sides. Much of the coat is held together by pins and staples. He wears a loose white shirt tied up with a navy blue rope, and baggy pants, ending with large boots.


Child Zodyl
Zodyl as a child
Teenager Zodyl
Zodyl as a teenager
Zodyl in his youth
Zodyl years ago
Zodyl Calm
Zodyl’s face close up
Zodyl’s Mask
Zodyl’s Mask


Zodyl is a cold and calculating man, rarely expressing any emotion. He is shown to be a respected and capable leader of the vandals, and has a large desire to find out more about the Sphere. He is prone to insult and provoke those who are his enemies, yet is very cunning and meticulous, purposely making Rudo to attempt to attack him, only to set him a trap and taking him alongside his fellow janitors to an underground labyrinth.

Zodyl is someone who has a tendency to do research and often doing experiments that he likes to test, even though he is aware of the almost certain failure, he uses this as a way to learn and improve himself and put in practice his theory. Zodyl is a highly intelligent man, who knows how to take advantage of any situation he is in. He is also a very calculating man, perfectly orchestrating a plan which resulted in taking all the Cleaners inside of his trash beast, leaving them with no choice but to face in combat the rest of the Raiders.


Main article: Zodyl Typhon/Synopsis


Leadership: Zodyl is a very capable authoritative figure, as the leader of the Raiders every member is very loyal to him, he was able to gain Jabber’s respect with his strength,[7] Noerde during her time as a rookie raider admired Zodyl as was willing to give up her life for his ambitions,[8] Cthoni was enraged at Fu’s betrayal of the Raiders after he joined the Cleaners and she took it upon herself to make sure that he was punished along with the Cleaners.[9]

Vital Instrument[]

Vital Instrument
Mishra Transformation Mishra: A Coat that is a part of the Watchman Series,[10] it allows Zodyl to mutate based on what he eats.[11]
Appendage Generation: Zodyl can create and control spiky appendages to attack opponents with.[12] Mishra Appendages



Every member of the Raiders is extremely loyal to Zodyl for different reasons varying from member to member whether it’s respect, admiration or fear, Zodyl sees value in his followers and even speaks highly of their abilities, he’s able effectively utilize the expertise of each member to achieve his goals.


Zodyl doesn’t particularly care much about any member of the cleaners aside from Rudo due to his connection to the Sphere, initially he used to have the impression that the cleaners were weak but his views were changed after they had managed to defeat all of the rookie members he was considering on letting join the raiders, even though he no longer underestimates the Cleaners he still doesn’t view them as a serious threat to his goals as he was fine with them holding on to pieces of the watchman series since they could always steal them back at any time.


  • Likes: ???[13]
  • Dislikes: ???[14]
  • Zodyl’s last name “Typhon” is the same as the myth of the monstrous serpentine giant who’s regarded as one of the deadliest creatures in Greek Mythology.
    • In the myth Typhon wanted to overthrow Zeus for supremacy over the cosmos, this is similar to Zodyl who's goal is to destroy the Sphere.
    • The only other character in the series who’s name is inspired by Greek Mythology is Rudo who’s last name “Surebrec” is Cerberus backwards.


  1. Vol.7 Character Profile
  2. Vol.7 Character Profile
  3. Vol.7 Character Profile
  4. Chapter 116
  5. Chapter 13
  6. Chapter 81
  7. Chapter 53
  8. Chapter 78
  9. Chapter 99
  10. Chapter 24
  11. Chapter 107
  12. Chapter 106
  13. Vol.7 Character Profile
  14. Vol.7 Character Profile


[v · e · ?]
Cleaners Arkha Corvus  •  Rudo Surebrec  •  Enjin  •  Zanka Nijiku  •  Riyo Reaper  •  Tamsy Caines  •  Delmon Gates  •  Bro Santa  •  Dear Santa  •  Guita Hebby Fantasia  •  Semiu Grier  •  August Stilza  •  Eishia Stilza  •  Fu Orostor  •  Gris Rubion  •  Follo Tunito  •  Tomme Mima  •  Meriege  •  Mildretta  •  Adderoy Brothers
Raiders Zodyl Typhon  •  Jabber Wonger  •  Cthoni Andor  •  Momoa Rukel  •  Bundus Begalkeit
Hell Guard Kyouka Nijiku  •  Hyo
Undertakers Canis Surebrec
Spellcaster Macaca Icol  •  Gob  •  Remlin Tysark
Unaffiliated Kuro  •  Alice Stilza  •  Gnomulas Ridd  •  Amo Empoor  •  Noerde Hew Amozo  •  Konza  •  Mymo
Spherites Rudo Surebrec  •  Regto  •  Chiwa
Border The Watchman